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Sports Certified Supplements

We are Certified for Sport!

  • Sun Chlorella cares about their customers health and wellbeing, the products have been tested and certified by testing programs such as ‘NSF certified for sport’ and 'Informed Sport certified'.

  • When choosing a nutritional product or supplement, it is good to ensure we are choosing a trusted source and for this reason we are proud of displaying a quality mark, as certifications means assurance, demonstrating the highest level of commitment to ensure the efficacy of our products, providing full confidence to our athletes and other consumers.

  • NSF and Informed Sport are the key players in the supplement industry, both attaining the global standard in sports nutrition quality control.

  • Products carrying the Informed Sport and NSF logo supplements go through rigorous processing, and have been tested rigorously for banned substances by LGC’s world leading anti-doping lab, using ISO 17025 accredited methods. Every batch of certified product has been screened for 270 banned substances, and all manufacturing processes must meet these standards of quality control to ensure consumer reassurance.

Developed in 2007, Informed Choice is a global quality assurance program that helps reduce the risk of impurities and banned substances entering products. All products bearing the Informed Choice logo or on-pack descriptor allow supplement users to know the product has undergone rigorous checks and tests. It’s important for any active individual to be mindful of what is in their supplements in order to protect their health. From a supplement brand’s perspective, contamination could lead to a tarnished reputation and lawsuits.

Sun Chlorella ‘A’ tablets are Informed Choice certified.

Sun Chlorella 'A' powder is NSF certified and Informed Sport certified.

If you like to know more about the certification here is the website: